Sunday, March 16, 2014


                ‘’Age doesnt matter “ these is the phrase I believed when we talk about the relationship of my boyfriend and I . He is 10 years older than me but  it is more consistent and matured relationship  . He is 10 years older than me but when you look at him you will thought the we have the same age because he is so handsome for me , but for the truth he is really handsome . I love him so much no matter what happen . He fulfills my dream. He is someone that I can talk seriously  when there are problems, laugh to like my friends and guide me like my parents .We shared laughters, joy , tears and everything . He does not my only boyfriend but also my guardian angel , adviser , my bestfriend . He taught me the things that I didnt know before , he taught me to be matured to be able to prolong our relationship . I felt secure when I am with him. We bulid our dreams in the future with out knowing what will happen for tommorow , but I guess and hoping that  he is the only boy for me .I am very thankful to have a boyfriend like him and  I never dream for the lot of material things around us , important is we are live together and for ever . 

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more  people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.  My friends kept my secrets in terms of love and other things , secrets that I cannot tell to my family . We shared laugh , tears and joy to each other . When there trouble we held hand in hand and fight for the right that we know . I love to be with them , I feel pretty and bust my self confidence because of them . They knows my weaknesess and strenght . We shared laugh even if we are the noisiest  in the four corners of our classroom , we never mind the people surrounds us , important is we are happy .
 We bond together by our laughers and joy .  I knew they are my true friends and I love them all .

marketing plan

Fresh Herb Production and Marketing

Jeanine M. Davis
Department of Horticultural Science
Many vegetable growers are looking for new ways to increase profits and diversify their operations. There also is an increasing number of part-time farmers who would like to supplement their income by growing small acreages of a high-value crop. At the same time demand for herbs and herb products has increased dramatically. We are now exposed to herbs on a daily basis at home, at work, and in public places. Herbs are used to flavor food and to add beauty and fragrance to our surroundings.
I encourage vegetable growers to consider producing herbs because of the great diversity in herb enterprises. I classify herbs into six general categories; fresh culinary herbs, dried culinary herbs, herb plants, decorative and fragrant herbs, essential oils and dyes, and medicinal herbs. The herbs in these categories differ in terms of cultural methods, scale of production, post-harvest handling, and marketing.
basil seedlingsThe first group of herbs, and the one of interest here, is fresh culinary herbs. This is production of fresh herbs for sale in the produce department of the supermarket or for fresh deliveries to restaurants, specialty shops, and food service institutions. Popular fresh herbs include basil, cilantro, mint, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, lemon balm, sage, and parsley.
Many fresh-market herb growers start out by producing small acreages of herbs and selling them directly to restaurants. In an area with a large number of gourmet restaurants, this may be a good way to supplement income. If the restaurants are few and far between, however, as production increases more and more time must be spent making deliveries. Eventually a point is reached where it doesn't pay to deliver small quantities, a pound or two at a time, to many locations. At this stage, selling wholesale may be considered. In some areas there are wholesalers who specialize in herbs, organics, and ethnic vegetables. Bulk or retail packages can be prepared for them. Because of the perishability of the product, it is important to have markets established before herbs are harvested or even planted. It also pays to work closely with the buyer as to what to produce, when, and in what volumes.
The fresh-market herb produced in the largest volumes is basil. There are many small-scale fresh basil producers in North Carolina. Unfortunately, when most of them have product, in mid-summer, prices are low. The trick is to have fresh basil when no one else does; in early spring, after frost, and during the winter. Season extending methods, like covering plants with row-covers or trench culture, help stretch harvests into these low-product seasons. Greenhouse growers who produce basil in mid-winter rarely complain of an over-supply problem.
Whatever the scale of operation, post-harvest handling is critical to the success of fresh-market herb production. The herb must be handled very gently to prevent bruising. Leaves should be harvested and cooled quickly. If the herb needs to be washed, it also has to be dried. Herbs must also be packaged for long shelf-life and to prevent damage. Use of inferior packaging to save money will probably end up costing sales in the long run. Herbs should be treated like any other vegetable and packed in the proper boxes so they can be stacked and moved without damage to the product.
basil plantValue-added products can also be produced, the most common being pesto. This is the real reason for the popularity of basil right now. Pesto is a sauce made from fresh basil, olive oil, parmesan cheese, garlic, and pine nuts. Gourmet restaurants present it served over pasta. There is also a demand for pre-made pesto sold fresh or frozen. Fresh herbs can also be used to make vinegars and jellies.
Excess fresh herbs can also be processed and sold as dried culinary herbs. Examples of popular dried herbs include parsley, basil, rosemary, and sage. Dried herbs are sold in bulk or retail packages. Many small-scale growers sell retail packs at specialty stores or in their own shops. Dried herb production does require drying facilities. These can, however, be easily constructed by the grower. One real benefit to dried herbs is they can be stored till the market is ready. Dried herbs, too, can be used to make a variety of value-added products such as tea bags, herb blends, simmer sacks, and carpet fresheners.
As with any new crop, the first order of business is to establish markets. Then, determine what time of year the crop is needed and if it can be produced then. Will it fit into the production schedule of other crops and does the grower have the time, labor, space, and equipment to grow it? Is there a good location for direct marketing? Is there a specialty grocery store, gift shop, or health food store that will carry the products? What about a farmers' market or roadside stands? Businesses can be promoted and customers educated by holding workshops, cooking classes, garden tours, and festivals. All of these advertise, educate, and help promote new specialty items.
Once a grower decides there is a market for herbs or herb products, he or she must learn how to grow the crop. An important point to keep in mind is that there is little reliable, useful production information available on fresh-market herbs. A grower must rely on his or her general horticulture knowledge and seek advice from successful herb growers.
Some general recommendations include: choosing a good site out of a frost pocket, maybe with a gentle slope, with good soil and good drainage, few noxious weeds, and a good water source. A worthwhile investment is an irrigation system; preferably drip. Most herbs will not tolerate moisture stress and benefit from a steady supply of water. Use a mulch; it holds moisture, controls weeds, and keeps the foliage clean. My research has shown that black polyethylene provides high yields and a clean product. Wheat straw works well in some locations, but can harbor slugs. Wood mulches, especially composted products, can provide some disease suppression but may reduce yields compared to other materials.
Keep in mind that there are very few agricultural chemicals cleared for use on herbs. Many herb producers use organic methods, but even if synthetic pesticides are used on other crops, it would be wise to learn some organic production techniques to raise herbs. Prevention is the best approach. Don't plant in a weedy location, plant in a low lying area, space plants too close, or use a monoculture system. Do rotate your crops, diversify your plantings, and water properly.
If a grower is serious about herbs, he or she should join state and national herb associations. They can provide a wealth of information, often based on growers' experience, that is unavailable through any other agency. They also provide marvelous opportunities for networking with other growers.
Herbs are beautiful plants to work with, fascinating in their variety, fragrance, and flavor. The public is also very interested in herbs. Of course, only the grower can make the final decision as to whether herbs fit into his or her business plan and production scheme. But if the decision is made to give them a try, remember to start small and develop a market early.

          Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv groupPak Choi) is an erect, biennial herb, cultivated as
an annual about 15-30 cm tall in vegetative state.Ovate leaves are arranged spirally and spreading.The petioles are enlarged and grow upright forminga subcylindrical bundle. Inflorescence is a racemewith pale yellow flowers. Seeds are 1 mm indiameter and are reddish to blackish brown in color.
Pechay is used mainly for its immature, butfully expanded tender leaves. The succulent petioles are often the preferred part. It is used as main ingredient for soup and stir-fried dishes. In Chinese cuisine, its green petioles and leaves are also used as garnish.

Each 100 g fresh edible portion

Nutrient Amount
Water 93.0 g
Protein 1.7 g
fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 3.1 g
Fiber 0.7 g
Ash 0.8 g
B-carotene 2.3 mg
Vitamin C 53.0 mg
Calcium 102.0 mg
Phosphorus 46.0 mg
Iron 2.6 mg
Energy Value 86.0 k


A 1-ha production area requires 3 kg seeds. Pechay can either be sown directly in
soil or transplanted. Direct seeding is carriedout by broadcasting or by sowing in
rows. Cover seeds to a depth of about 1 cm by raking or spreading additional top
soil. Water immediately after sowing. Plant spacing should be 10 cm between
plants and 20 cm between rows. If transplanted, sow seeds initially in
seedbeds. Transplant seedling 2-3 weeks after sowing at a distance of 10 cm between
plants and 20 cm between rows. Transplant preferably in the afternoon and
water immediately. Mulch with grass clippings or rice straw. Apply seedling wi th
starter solution using (46-0-0) at the rate of 2 tbsp/gal of water. Side-dress along the
rows at the rate of 1 tbsp/plant one week after transplanting.
Harvest as early as threeweeks after planting or between 30-45
days after sowing. Harvest preferably in the leaves and remove roots. Grade according
to size and quality, and pack in strong rigid containers with holes at the
sides to allow aeration. Pack with the base of the plant to the sides of the baskets. Maintain turgidity by lining the basket with paper.

My family is my treasure . They are the one who build my personality , They complete my daily life .With out them my life is so miserable .I love my family ,I never dream that this people are not exist anymore in my sight , if this phenomenon are happen , I thought it was the nightmare and the very bad things anymore. My family is like a branches of tree , we all grow in the different direction yet our roots remain as one .  Diferrent direction but the connection is there always . God is the center of our relationship , He give us the strength to carry on the different problems . If this problems come we hold each other ,forgive and forget it .  No family is perfect , we argue , we fight. We even stop talking each other but in the end family is family the love will always there . Despite of scarcity in material things , the blessings of one member are blessings also to others , we shared the things that we have . 

 As part of our curriculum , we went to the wet market in Trece and we identify the different meat cuts .We saw the retail and wholesale cuts . There are Cuts of beef , first divided into primal cuts, pieces of meat initially separated from the carcass during butchering. These are basic sections from which steaks and other subdivisions are cut. The term "primal cut" is quite different from "prime cut", used to characterise cuts considered to be of higher quality. Since the animal's legs and neck muscles do the most work, they are the toughest; the meat becomes more tender as distance from hoof and horn increases. Different countries and cuisines have different cuts and names, and sometimes use the same name for a different cut; e.g., the cut described as "brisket" in the US is from a significantly different part of the carcass than British brisket. There are also the different edible internal organ of the chicken , pig and beef . 


I learned that the different commodities have there own maturity indices . Maturity indices are signs or indication of the readiness of the plant to harvest .It is the basis for determining harvest date . Harvesting at the proper stage of maturity  are important to have a good yield and sometimes it has more long shelflife compare to the immature commodities that you are harvest . We can determine their maturity  by the use of our senses that is called subjective indices .The change in color , size , appearancce , smell are  some sign of maturity . The other one technique is the objective indices , this are measurable indices . These include the measurement of time , chemical constituents , rate of physiological processes and computation.
The banana has a distict maturity indices . You will observe that the leaves start to dry . There is fullness of fingers .This is applicable only for varities that cange in angularity  with maturiry such as lakatan . The fingers are full if you observed that it is rounded .  If it is for export we can use  there unit of calibration . It is the fullness of calibration size.