Saturday, March 8, 2014

Maturity assessment in tomato


The tomato is the edible, often red fruit/berry of the night shade Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. I’ved learned that we can assess the maturity of the tomato . This fruit was change in color . The fruits may be harvested at three stages depends on the market . First , if you are nearby market, pink color starts to show at blossom end . Second the pink to half ripe of firm ripe . The third for distant markets , the fruit are harvested at mature green . To verify whether fruits are mature even when green take a representative sample from a cluster and slide it .If the seeds slip away from the knife and the mass surrounding the seed is jelly –like , then the remaining fruits in that cluster are mature . In our activity we bought the different stages of maturity of tomato then we divide it based on there maturity . The different stages are not equal to each other . It means that even if you plant the tomato plant in the same time your yield have not the same maturity. There are many circumstances that affect it . The way you plant it and the place ,also the temperature and amount of fertilizer .

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