Sunday, March 16, 2014


I learned that the different commodities have there own maturity indices . Maturity indices are signs or indication of the readiness of the plant to harvest .It is the basis for determining harvest date . Harvesting at the proper stage of maturity  are important to have a good yield and sometimes it has more long shelflife compare to the immature commodities that you are harvest . We can determine their maturity  by the use of our senses that is called subjective indices .The change in color , size , appearancce , smell are  some sign of maturity . The other one technique is the objective indices , this are measurable indices . These include the measurement of time , chemical constituents , rate of physiological processes and computation.
The banana has a distict maturity indices . You will observe that the leaves start to dry . There is fullness of fingers .This is applicable only for varities that cange in angularity  with maturiry such as lakatan . The fingers are full if you observed that it is rounded .  If it is for export we can use  there unit of calibration . It is the fullness of calibration size.

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