Sunday, March 16, 2014


          Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv groupPak Choi) is an erect, biennial herb, cultivated as
an annual about 15-30 cm tall in vegetative state.Ovate leaves are arranged spirally and spreading.The petioles are enlarged and grow upright forminga subcylindrical bundle. Inflorescence is a racemewith pale yellow flowers. Seeds are 1 mm indiameter and are reddish to blackish brown in color.
Pechay is used mainly for its immature, butfully expanded tender leaves. The succulent petioles are often the preferred part. It is used as main ingredient for soup and stir-fried dishes. In Chinese cuisine, its green petioles and leaves are also used as garnish.

Each 100 g fresh edible portion

Nutrient Amount
Water 93.0 g
Protein 1.7 g
fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 3.1 g
Fiber 0.7 g
Ash 0.8 g
B-carotene 2.3 mg
Vitamin C 53.0 mg
Calcium 102.0 mg
Phosphorus 46.0 mg
Iron 2.6 mg
Energy Value 86.0 k


A 1-ha production area requires 3 kg seeds. Pechay can either be sown directly in
soil or transplanted. Direct seeding is carriedout by broadcasting or by sowing in
rows. Cover seeds to a depth of about 1 cm by raking or spreading additional top
soil. Water immediately after sowing. Plant spacing should be 10 cm between
plants and 20 cm between rows. If transplanted, sow seeds initially in
seedbeds. Transplant seedling 2-3 weeks after sowing at a distance of 10 cm between
plants and 20 cm between rows. Transplant preferably in the afternoon and
water immediately. Mulch with grass clippings or rice straw. Apply seedling wi th
starter solution using (46-0-0) at the rate of 2 tbsp/gal of water. Side-dress along the
rows at the rate of 1 tbsp/plant one week after transplanting.
Harvest as early as threeweeks after planting or between 30-45
days after sowing. Harvest preferably in the leaves and remove roots. Grade according
to size and quality, and pack in strong rigid containers with holes at the
sides to allow aeration. Pack with the base of the plant to the sides of the baskets. Maintain turgidity by lining the basket with paper.

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