Sunday, March 16, 2014


                ‘’Age doesnt matter “ these is the phrase I believed when we talk about the relationship of my boyfriend and I . He is 10 years older than me but  it is more consistent and matured relationship  . He is 10 years older than me but when you look at him you will thought the we have the same age because he is so handsome for me , but for the truth he is really handsome . I love him so much no matter what happen . He fulfills my dream. He is someone that I can talk seriously  when there are problems, laugh to like my friends and guide me like my parents .We shared laughters, joy , tears and everything . He does not my only boyfriend but also my guardian angel , adviser , my bestfriend . He taught me the things that I didnt know before , he taught me to be matured to be able to prolong our relationship . I felt secure when I am with him. We bulid our dreams in the future with out knowing what will happen for tommorow , but I guess and hoping that  he is the only boy for me .I am very thankful to have a boyfriend like him and  I never dream for the lot of material things around us , important is we are live together and for ever . 

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