Sunday, March 16, 2014

                                     INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT                                     FOR EGGPLANT

 I haved learned that eggplant is species of nightshade commonly known in British English as aubergine and also known as melongene, garden egg, or guinea squash. It bears a fruit of the same name that is widely used in cooking, most notably as an important ingredient in dishes such genus Solanum , it is related to both the tomato and the potato. It was originally domesticated in India and Bangladesh from the wild nightshade, the thorn or bitter apple . There are major insect pest of eggplant in Asia .The fruit and shoot borer (Leucinodesorbonalis). This insect can cause serious damage especially during the fruiting andharvesting stage. Other pests such as Epilachna beetle, red spider mite, and red ant canbe important locally. There are different strategies that can control the  pests to your eggplant.Biological control of the fruit and shoot borer may include use (or
conservation) of indigenous parasitoids such as Trathala sp. and release of Trichogrammasp. Other eggplant insect pests also have natural enemies that may greatly reduce pestpopulations if fields are unsprayed with pesticides.Several cultural practices such as weed removal, removing infested plant material, use oftrap crops, flooding the field (in dry season), and hand-removal of egg-masses and larvaecan provide additional insect control. For most eggplant insect pests, insecticide use is not effective or economically justified and may in some cases (e.g. red spider mite, whitefly)even aggravate pest problems.

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