Sunday, March 16, 2014

My family is my treasure . They are the one who build my personality , They complete my daily life .With out them my life is so miserable .I love my family ,I never dream that this people are not exist anymore in my sight , if this phenomenon are happen , I thought it was the nightmare and the very bad things anymore. My family is like a branches of tree , we all grow in the different direction yet our roots remain as one .  Diferrent direction but the connection is there always . God is the center of our relationship , He give us the strength to carry on the different problems . If this problems come we hold each other ,forgive and forget it .  No family is perfect , we argue , we fight. We even stop talking each other but in the end family is family the love will always there . Despite of scarcity in material things , the blessings of one member are blessings also to others , we shared the things that we have . 

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